Dinâmica do uso e ocupação da terra das áreas desflorestadas no município de Novo Progresso, PA

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This present work aimed to perform an analysis of the land use and land cover dynamics with the purpose to observe changes that occurred between 2004/2014 period. For this, it was necessary to use the ArcGIS 10 and Excel software in order to maps creation and graphic. It was done by collecting of data on the INPE and IBGE websites and from this, the data processing was performed. Thus, to elaboration of maps, the merge and clip tools were used to prepare the data for the Novo Progresso municipality and the geometry calculate tool to quantify the class of land use and land cover. In this way, the results highlighted that most of the areas deforested in 2014 related to 2004 are composed of pasture and secondary vegetation. However, it was possible to identify that livestock farming, as well as BR-163 promoted large influence in the process of expansion of the anthropic areas in the studied municipality, and the use of geotechnologies was fundamental to identify and quantify these areas.